finding balance and protecting our energy in a chaotic world
The first month of 2025 was engulfed in violence, natural disasters, and a dangerous transfer of power within the U.S. government. It seems appealing—and even necessary—to stay up to date with the news when everything feels uncertain. But consuming a constant stream of crisis can easily pull you into a cycle of fear, anger, and helplessness. In a world that thrives on urgency and overstimulation, protecting your energy is essential.
As a love letter to myself, here’s how I’ve been navigating the world:
1) Prioritize Your Basic Needs
When the world feels unstable, the most radical thing you can do is meet your own needs. Are you eating enough? What type of food are you eating? Drinking water? Sleeping well? Moving your body in ways that feel good? It’s easy to push these things aside when there’s perceived urgency elsewhere, but tending to your body is your foundation to find safety.
2) Find Safety in Your Body
Your body is always in the present moment—unlike your mind, which can get trapped in the past or in future uncertainties. When the world feels unsafe, reconnecting with your body can help ground you. Try deep breathing, walking, journaling, stretching, or a movement practice like yoga or dance. Even small moments of mindfulness—running your hands or body under warm water, noticing the texture of your clothing, lighting a candle or sage, or focusing on your senses—can help regulate your nervous system.
3) Reestablish a Sense of Security
Our daily habits shape your perception of the world. Over the past year, I let go of many things I’d been holding onto for years that were keeping me dysregulated and fearful. If you’re constantly taking in news that reinforces fear and anxiety, your nervous system will stay in a heightened state of stress. Instead, intentionally replace negative media with something that soothes or inspires you—calming music, audiobooks, uplifting podcasts, or even silence. Take an honest look at your routine and habits. What other moments, thoughts, environments, or relationships keep you in fight-or-flight mode? What small shifts could help you feel more at peace?
4) Reconnect with Life Outside the Screen
It’s easy to forget that life exists beyond newsfeeds. Step outside—feel the sun or weather on your skin, breathe fresh air, or move your body in nature. Engage with people in real life, whether it’s joining a class, spending time with loved ones, or simply exchanging a smile with a stranger. Play with your pets, cook a nourishing meal, or pick up an old hobby. These moments are not insignificant; they are what make life feel real and meaningful.
5) Reevaluate Your Relationship with Social Media
At the end of 2023, we announced our break up from social media, not realizing how relevant that decision would feel now. With growing transparency about government control over social media platforms, it’s worth asking: Is social media truly serving you? How does it impact your mental health? Like any addiction, quitting cold turkey can be difficult when your brain has learned to rely on it for self-soothing. If you’re considering stepping away, check out our blog post on how to gradually quit social media for good.
6) Slow Down
The world moves fast, but you don’t have to. Release the pressure to be perfect, to check every box, to create for the algorithm, or to constantly prove something. It’s safe to rest. It’s safe to fall behind. It’s safe to live a simple, slow life. Success is not defined by expectations or urgency—it’s defined by alignment. What if your energy was your most valuable resource? How would you choose to spend it?
In times of chaos, finding balance isn’t about ignoring what’s happening in the world—it’s about choosing how much of yourself you’re willing to give to it. Stay informed, but stay present. Engage, but protect your peace. The world will keep spinning, but you deserve to move at your own pace.
Inspo: @conversationswithj, @AleciaRenece, and @iamsahararose