Feeling Insecure?
No matter what we’ve achieved or how beautiful we are, those pesky insecurities can still make their way into our hearts and our psyche. Insecurities will have us undermining our true value and behaving in a way unbecoming simply because we’ve forgotten who we are and how much control we actually have.
Regardless of what you’re insecure about, here are 5 ways to help fight off insecurity for a higher self esteem:
Recognize your power. Listen, you are a wonderful, beautiful human being. You are worthy and valuable. Sometimes, you just need to sit back and realize just how great and how powerful you are. If there’s something about your life, looks, or circumstance that makes you feel insecure, change it! You have the power to do that. You also have the power to accept things as they are and learn to deal with them.
Surround yourself with the right kind of folks. Nothing makes misery happier than company. If you’re feeling low or unsure, make sure to seek out people who are bringing you good vibes and energy. Perhaps you can seek out folks who are excelling in an area you’re struggling with or maybe you can just hang out with people who see what you don’t see in yourself. If you’re having trouble finding these positive people in real life, try making friends online. You can have access to community with the push of a button.
Understand that insecurities are normal. You are not the first and you certainly won’t be the last person to feel insecure. People feel insecure about everything from their hair, their job, relationships, bodies, and more. Because none of us are perfect, it’s totally normal to feel like we don’t measure up to society’s version of perfection…and that’s ok. Perfect is boring anyway. Your flaws and quirks give you character and make you unique.
Get to the bottom of it. Where are your insecurities coming from? Are they based off what you think your life “should” look like? Was it something that someone said that made you feel less beautiful, smart, or talented? Sometimes the source of our insecurities doesn’t even come from our actual beliefs about ourselves, but moreso from outward influences. Once you can target the source, then you can figure out a way to deal or rid of insecurities altogether.
Reach out to a professional for help. There’s nothing wrong with needing someone to help you walk through your healing, self-love journey. If you need a mental health professional or a professional you trust to help guide you back to a loving space, then go for it. There are plenty of qualified professionals who help people learn to cope with insecurities or reframe their perspective everyday. You don’t have to go at it alone. If you’re needing help or resources, please check out our directory for a list of qualified professionals.
Written by guest blogger